Obesity and Hirsutism | Overweight & Excessive Hair Growth

What’s the relationship between obesity and hirsutism aka overweight and excessive hair growth? It may not be obvious that there’s a connection between the two. As a matter of fact, both may be side effects of another condition or disease. This is mainly due to hormone imbalance, so it’s best to get to the root … Read more

Hormone Imbalance | Hirsutism in Women

“Hormone Imbalance | Hirsutism in Women” indicates that one common symptom of hormone imbalance in women is hirsutism. This is defined as male-pattern hair growth, superfluous hair growth, among other terms. It is a major cause for concern and a stress point for most people who are afflicted with this condition. The Endocrine System and … Read more

Hormone Imbalance Symptom | What’s Yours?

This article, “Hormone Imbalance Symptom | What’s Yours?” deals with some symptoms of hormone imbalance, particularly hirsutism, which is superfluous hair growth. Something just isn’t right with whatever it is you’re concerned about. In this case, we’re going to look at symptoms due to hormone imbalance. What is your particular symptom? This Doesn’t Feel Right. … Read more