“Why Do Women Wear Wigs? | A Brief Overview of the Wig Journey” gives you a look at the various reasons women wear wigs. Why, when and how did this trend start?
Do you wear wigs as a fashion statement or do you have a health issue that makes it more convenient to do so? I’d love to hear your story. Everyone has one, and yours could be unique or similar to others.
This article will also look at the different types of wigs and how they differ from those of the past centuries. So, let’s go on this wig journey together!
Why Do Women Wear Wigs? | A Very Brief Overview
Wigs have been in and out of fashion since the 16th century, and men started the trend. But, women caught on sometime later.
They had their own way and reasons for wearing wigs in earlier days. And, now they have taken the fashion to a much higher level.
Wigs were initially worn by royalties and among certain upper class professionals. They were usually very expensive to make, so not everyone could afford to wear them.
Powdered wigs were very common, especially among men. They were mainly offwhite, but sometimes colored in other shades. As a result, wig powders were as common as wigs and profitable for both segments of the wig industry.
Wigs are also a huge hit in the movie industry as they offer actors and actresses more versatility in their roles. Furthermore, it’s less cumbersome to put on a wig than prepare one’s own hair to be consistent with a particular style at all times.
As such, the demand has grown throughout the years. Therefore, the wig industry have found additional ways to ensure they stay in business while catering to a wider clientele.
In addition to human hair and hair from some animals, they are manufacturing synthetic fibers to make wigs. So they’re now more affordable than before. And just about anyone can afford to buy them.
Interestingly, hair from some regions such as India and Asia are more sought after. Hence, they are more expensive than those from other areas. As a result, many women make a business out of growing and selling their hair.
Why Women Wear Wigs | Hormone Imbalance?
One major reason women wear wigs is hair loss due to aging, but most importantly because of health issues.
This website focuses on Hirsutism, superfluous hair growth in women. However, while that’s a side effect of hormone imbalance, the opposite is also true. And some women will lose their hair in the process.
Alopecia Areata is defined as hair loss, and that can be caused by hormone imbalance. It’s relatively common although less recognized than baldness in men.
Wigs are a wonderful cosmetic solution to this and other conditions that cause hair loss. However, the first consideration is to see an endocrinologist to get to the root of the problem.
There are other health issues that cause women devastation in terms of hair loss. The most common example is cancer, especially if she is going through chemotherapy.
They welcome the convenience of a wig as a temporary alternative until the hair grows back. It gives them some relief when they don’t have to focus on their hair in addition to suffering from their illnesses.
However, some women get accustomed to the hair loss after a while. And they embrace it as a part of their journey. Do you know of other situations where hair loss is a side effect?

Women and Wigs. | It’s Fashionable.
Despite how and where it all began, wigs make a fashion statement among all classes, ethnicity, young and old. And, today, colors can be subtle to give a natural look or as wild as one dares.
Furthermore, many women consider it a necessity for some special occasions such as weddings, graduations, and parties. In contrast, others would never be caught without their wig as they would consider it an embarrassment.
For example, a woman who grew up having long hair only to have it damaged beyond recovery, feels more comfortable wearing a wig. This gives her the confidence she may have lost as a result of losing her own hair.
On the contrary, there are many who find it hard to manage their own hair. A wig makes it easy to prepare themselves to go to work or engage in any activity in general.
Many women’s wig collection is as numerous as their shoes and handbag collection. They have at least one for every outfit. Consider also that wigs can copy any hair style imaginable.
For instance, you can have dreadlocks, braids, Afro, pixie, Asian, and styles from other cultures and centuries. So, there are no limits to what style wig makers can create to suit the market’s demands.
In addition, lace front wigs have become very popular because it gives the appearance of hair coming out of the scalp. Each strand is skilfully sewn onto the lace to imitate the natural hair growth pattern.
Hair pieces are also popular where you attach a bun or ponytail to create the illusion of length or volume to your own hair. And although you can find hair by ethnicity, it doesn’t really matter.
There isn’t a defined line among cultures as it depends heavily on a woman’s personal choice. She can dare to have her looks as extreme as she likes.
In any essence, family members will have striking resemblance to each other yet have different hair texture and style. We get similar results when we straighten curly or wavy hair.
On the other hand, someone with straight hair may choose to curl their hair or wear it wavy. It’s all exciting and fashionable!
Did You Know? | 10 Interesting Facts
- The original name for wig is periwig or peruke.
- Men wore wigs more frequently than women did.
- Also, some Presidents of the United States wore powdered wigs. Do you know which ones?
- And Egyptian men and women used to shave their heads and wear wigs instead.
- Indian and Chinese hair are used to make the majority of wigs on the market.
- Hair from Europe is the most expensive.
- Some religious practices do not allow women to wear wigs.
- European military officers were required to wear wigs as part of their uniform in earlier centuries.
- Barristers and judges in some countries still wear wigs for official duties.
- Finally, the wig industry is a billion dollar industry.
Are there other interesting facts you know about wigs that you would like to add? You can do so in the section below.
Conclusion | Let’s Recap.
So, hair’s still the thing, and wigs have become more fashionable among women of all ethnicity and class throughout the world.
The once popularity of powdered wigs and men being obsessed with wigs are in the past. However, more women are wearing wigs as an important part of their lifestyle.
And this is enhanced mainly due to the addition of the less expensive synthetic wigs. Make no mistake, however, that there is a huge demand for wigs made from human hair.
As a result, manufacturers will make synthetic wigs as appealing as possible because it will help to meet the demands more readily. It will also, help to keep the price of human hair wigs from over escalating.
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Online shopping has made the wig business more viable because of its convenience. And many individuals now choose to avoid going into stores and trying on items.
What’s your wig story? More importantly, what has your journey been like? It doesn’t matter if it’s one about being fashionable or if it’s more out of necessity.
We want to hear from you as your story may be similar to someone else’s or can help another person’s journey. Be a good sport and come on board with us as we do this thing together.
I hope this article, “”Why Do Women Wear Wigs? | A Brief Overview of the Wig Journey” has helped you in some way. Feel free to leave your questions and comments below. I will do my best to address them.
Very interesting article. This topic has been an eye opener.
I wear my wig for fashion and also as a necessity while I am repairing my damaged natural hair.
Hi Lavern:
Thank you for reading my article, and I’m happy you find it interesting and an eye opener. Wigs are definitely a convenient fashion statement.